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Rehoboth Institute's Ministry Mission is to pray "Dominion Prayers" on behalf of The Church of JESUS CHRIST in the Authority that is inherent in JESUS NAME!!! Rehoboth prays from the exalted position "seated in CHRIST JESUS" in Heavenly places ... far above all principalities, powers and rulers of darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places. We reign with Spiritual Dominion over this Birmingham Region to bring JESUS' Kingdom to the Earth for HIS Will to be done through prayers, fasting, and spiritual oversight! We stand in GOD"S Authority ruling over the stronghold of "man's violence against man" and over the "destructive forces of the winds of tornadoes" that have plagued this Region by the "prince of the power of the air". Rehoboth sees this planet and its spiritual woes from its "seated position" in CHRIST JESUS and therefore "WAR" from this position. 
We invite you to "Spiritually WAR" with us in prayer from this seated realm of Authority in CHRIST JESUS.



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